Fire pumps system are the main and essential element of any commercial and industrial sprinkler system, they are responsible for supplying water through a piping system to the fire sprinklers to extinguish the fire. Its activation occurs when there is a pressure loss below the selected operating pressure at some point in the sprinkler system or cabinets, generating the automatic start-up of the motor-pump assembly.

fire patterson

NFPA 20 requires that all major equipment and accessories be approved and/or listed for fire services; Additionally, it requests that all the adaptation, installation, start-up and maintenance of the pumps for the fire-fighting system be carried out by personnel duly certified in fire regulations, trained and endorsed by the manufacturer of the pump.

Incisan Fire has a highly qualified and certified technical staff to carry out the work in compliance with national COVENIN regulations, and international NFPA 20. It also has the support, certification and approval of the PATTERSON PUMP COMPANY brand for its distribution, sale, installation and maintenance. of your products.


If you require a quote for a pump for your pumping system, fill out the following form: